skeeter archive
» andrew duhon: songs i wrote before i knew you
As I sat on my front porch, sipping my minty-sweet whiskey concoction and listening to his album, Songs I Wrote Before I Knew You, I realized that Andrew Duhon might know me after all...  »read it now
-- a 03-21-09 album review by Skeeter

» dan auerbach: keep it hid
When I think of The Black Keys, I think "riff rock." Don't get me wrong, I like Fu Manchu, for example, but they have their place. It's music for the audience, not music for the gods of music...  »read it now
-- a 03-20-09 album review by Skeeter

» spoon: ga ga ga ga ga
I've just listened to Gimme Fiction, Don't Kill the Moonlight, and Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga consecutively. I can't stop tapping my foot - four hours later. There's no mistaking a Spoon song: crackling vocals, irrepressibly pounding beat, and tasty hand claps. With past albums, they've come across as catchy but scattered...  »read it now
-- a 03-09-09 album review by skeeter

» jason isbell: from the circle bar to the 400 unit
Lord, it was cold. It snowed the day before. It wasn't the first snow NOLA had ever seen, but it was enough to cause a stir. I ventured out into that frigid climate to hear music at the Circle Bar. There's a tangible energy in a house that's packed with people bobbing their heads to a loud band...  »read it now
-- a 03-03-09 sin city south feature by Skeeter